Redlands, Colorado 3D Real Estate Photographers

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If you’re looking to sell or rent a property in Redlands, Colorado, Grand Junction 3D can help you close the deal quicker, by creating a 3D virtual tour of your property! Click the button above to schedule a virtual tour or get a free estimate! Properties with virtual tours Close up to 31% faster and at a 4-9% higher sales price.

Redlands, COAbout Redlands, Colorado

In 2019, Redlands, Colorado had a population of 8,770 people and a median age of 51.5. The median household income in Redlands, CO, was $78,077 in 2019, up 7.61% from $72,556 in 2018. From 2018 to 2019, the population of Redlands decreased by 3%, while its median household income increased by 7.61%.

The most common ethnicities in Redlands, CO are White (non-Hispanic) (93.5%), White (Hispanic) (2.72%), Two or More Races (Non- Hispanic) (1.32%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.08%), and two or more races are people who identified as Indian, Eskimo, Inuit, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander or Some Other Race Alone made up 0% of the population of Redlands, Colorado.

The most prevalent nationality in Redlands, CO, are U.S. citizens, which make up 99.3% of the population.

The median home value in Redlands, CO, in 2019 was $309,200, and the homeownership rate was 86.5 percent. The majority of people in Redlands, CO, drove alone to work, with a commute time of 21.9 minutes on average. In Redlands, the typical car ownership was three cars per household.


The median household income in Redlands, CO, is $78,077. In 2019, Census Tract 14.04 in Redlands, Colorado, had the highest median household income of $92,845, followed by Census Tract 14.03 and Census Tract 9 with $75,887 & $57,528, respectively.

Males in Colorado have a higher average annual income than females, which is $55,618. In addition, income inequality in Colorado (calculated using the Gini index) is 0.468, which is lower than the national average.

The economy of Redlands, Colorado, has a population of 4.11k individuals. The most significant industries in Redlands, CO, are Health Care & Social Assistance (738 people), Educational Services (529 people), and Retail Trade (438 people). Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, and Mining are the highest paying industries ($118,095), followed by Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction ($118,095) Professional Scientific And Technical Services ($67,500).

Redlands, CO Housing & Living

In 2019, the median property value in Redlands, CO, was $309,200, which is 1.29 times greater than the national average of $240,500. Between 2018 and 2019, the median property value rose from $291,600 to $309,200, a 6.04% increase. The homeownership rate in Redlands, CO, is 86.5%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1%. People in Redlands, CO, have a typical commute time of 21.9 minutes and usually drive alone to work. In Redlands, CO, automobile ownership is greater than the national average; with an average of 3 cars per household


The percentage of people with health insurance in Redlands, CO is 93.3 percent, with 50.8% on employee plans, 10.3% on Medicaid, 21.9% on Medicare, 10.3% on non-group plans, and 1.04 percent on military or VA plans.

In Colorado, personal health care expenditures per capita were $6,804 in 2014. This is a 5.13% increase from the prior year ($6,472) (per person).

On an annual basis, primary care physicians in Mesa County, CO, see 891 patients on average, a decrease of 1.22 percent from the previous year (902 patients). On the other hand, Dentists see 1365 patients every year, whereas mental health professionals see 300 individuals each year.

Redlands, CO Housing Market

In October 2021, the median listing house price in Redlands, CO, was $537K, growing by 24.9% from a year earlier. The median list home pricing per square foot was $233.

Top Schools in Redlands, CO

Eight public schools in Redlands, CO, are rated good or better by GreatSchools.


The #1 rated golf course in Colorado is the Redlands Mesa Golf Course! Members can play unlimited golf, including cart and range balls. The clubhouse, golf course, practice facilities, and pool are all available to members. Pro Shop merchandise in stock receives a 20% discount for members and a 10% discount on special events at the restaurant. In addition, members may use the club’s charging stations.

All club social events are open to Redlands Mesa golf course members.

Is it possible for my grandmother to take the children swimming? Yes, if accompanied by an adult, Grandchildren are always welcome. Is it acceptable for my nanny/babysitter to bring the kids? Yes, a sitter/nanny may use the pool when with your children.

Grand Junction, Colorado, is only a short drive away, so you’ll have access to all of the major retail outlets. In addition, you’ll enjoy peace & exclusivity by living outside of the city!

Find 3D Virtual Tour Services Near Redlands, Colorado

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