Fruita, Colorado 3D Real Estate Photographers

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If you’re looking to sell or rent a property in Fruita, Colorado, Grand Junction 3D can help you close the deal quicker, by creating a 3D virtual tour of your property! Click the button above to schedule a virtual tour or get a free estimate! Properties with virtual tours Close up to 31% faster and at a 4-9% higher sales price.

About Fruita, Colorado

Fruita, COIn 2019, Fruita, Colorado had a population of 13,230 people with a median age of 38.4 and a median household income of $58,531. Between 2018 and 2019, the population of Fruita rose from 13,145 to 13,236 people (+0.692 percent) while its median household income increased from $54,464 to $58,531 (7.47 percent).

The five most populous ethnic groups in Fruita, Colorado are White (Non-Hispanic) (81.5%), White (Hispanic) (11.2%), American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) (3.82%), Two+ (non- Hispanic) , and Two+ (.997%). In Fruita, CO, 0% of the households speak a non-English language as their primary tongue.

The population of Fruita, Colorado consists of 94.4% U.S. citizens.

In 2019, the median home value in Fruita, CO was $223,500, and 70.9 percent of households owned their homes. The majority of residents of Fruita drove alone to work, with an 18.1-minute commute time on average. In Fruita, CO, there were two automobiles per household on average.

Fruita, CO Economy

The median household income in Fruita, CO is $58,531. The place with the highest median household income in Fruita, CO in 2019 was Census Tract 14.02 at $79,976, followed by Census Tract 19 at $77,261 and Census Tract 15.02 at $68,864.

In Colorado, males have a typical income that is 1.32 times greater than that of females, which is $55,618. Inequality in Colorado (measured using the Gini index) is 0.468, which is lower than the national average.

Fruita, Colorado’s economy has 5.86k workers. The most popular industries in Fruita, CO are Health Care & Social Assistance (838 people), Retail Trade (653 people), and Educational Services (628 people), while the highest paying jobs are Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction ($107,556), Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, & Mining ($79,228), and Public Administration ($65,565).

Fruita, CO Housing & Living

In 2019, the median home value in Fruita, CO was $223,500, which is 0.929 times lower than the national average of $240,500. The median property value increased from $210,300 to $223,500 during the year of 2018-2019, a 6.28% increase. Fruita’s homeownership rate is 70.9 percent, which is greater than the national average of 64.1%. People in Fruita have a commute time of 18.1 minutes on average and drive alone to work. In Fruita, CO car ownership is about equal to the national average; there are usually 2 vehicles per household


According to the US Census Bureau, 88% of the population of Fruita, Colorado has health coverage, with 46.2% on employer plans, 17.8% on Medicaid, 13.1% on Medicare, 7.87% on non-group plans, and 2.97% on military or VA insurance.

In Colorado, personal health care expenditures per person were $6,804 in 2014. This is a 5.13% increase from the previous year ($6,472).

On average, primary care physicians in Mesa County, CO see 891 patients each year, which is a 1.22% decrease from the previous year (902 patients). Dentists, on the other hand, see 1365 people every year, whereas mental health providers see 300 people per year.

What are the best neighborhoods in Fruita?

Cleveland, Orchard Valley, and Wildwood are among the best neighborhoods in or near Fruita, Colorado. Consider investing in a home in one of these well-known areas.

Fruita, CO Housing Market

The median listing property value in Fruita, CO was $413,000 in September 2021, increasing by 29.4% year over year. The median listing home price per square foot was $235.

Top Schools in Fruita, CO

Fruita, Colorado has seven public schools that are considered good or higher by GreatSchools.


There are a couple of grocery stores, at least five coffee shops, more than a dozen restaurants, and a couple of gas stations in the area, but if you need to make other major purchases, Grand Junction isn’t too far to drive!

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